Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fort Collins Chiropractic - Treatment Tips to Get Rid of the Issue Now

This is pretty common, but it's not something that is too difficult to eliminate. Keep in mind it does take some effort on your part, but it can be done. Here are a few simple steps to help you with your sciatica pain relief. Sciatica Pain Relief Fort Collins Treatment

• One of the most important things to remember is to use an ice pack of some sort in the first 48 hours. This will help ease the inflammation of the nerve and stop the sciatica before it actually happens. Place the pack on your back for 10 minutes, rest for 10, and then repeat the process another two times. If you wait until after 48 hours it will be a waste of time.

• Another treatment is stretching the Piriformis muscle. The benefit to this is that it runs along the sciatic nerve. When it is tight, it puts more pressure on the sciatica nerve itself. If you ease the tightness by stretching you will notice the quick results from your efforts.

• Then of course when the pelvis is out of balance it could be creating the problem. It will throw everything out of check, so you need to make sure it is aligned properly. The best thing to do here is lie down on the floor and put both hands behind your back on each side of the pelvis. They should be positioned around the belt area, and it allows you to feel the pressure on one side or the other. If you do then you know the pelvis is not balanced.

In the end, if you feel as though your knowledge behind sciatica pain relief isn't enough, seek the proper help. There are several home treatments out there that will keep you from any type of surgery or expensive drugs. The more knowledge you gain, the quicker your pain will subside. So don't waste any time at all and take action now!